
  • Today's logistics are about to change rapidly. The goal of climate neutrality makes it necessary to rethink established forms of mobility and logistics systems. In addition, the need to create transparency along supply chains and the shortage of skilled workers are further challenges for the logistics industry.

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  • 40-50% of Austria's greenhouse gas emissions are caused by industry. Large positive effects could hence be achieved if the transformation to a green and sustainable production method were to succeed. However, the change must take place in an economically viable manner, as it is essential to safeguard Austria as a business location. Industry is not only the employer of 17% of all employees in Austria, but is also indispensable for a successful economy, accounting for 30% of value creation.

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Contact Press / Media

Dr.rer.nat. Elisabeth Guggenberger

Press Officer

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Wien, Österreich

Phone +43 676 88861617