Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH was founded at the end of 2008 as a foreign subsidiary of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In the business units "Factory Planning and Production Management", "Logistics and Supply Chain Management", and "Industrial Engineering and Digitalization" in Vienna, in the business unit "Visual Computing" in Graz, and in the two Fraunhofer Innovation Centers "Digital Transformation of Industry" in Wattens and "Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence KI4LIFE" in Klagenfurt, around 140 employees are currently working on application-oriented solutions for the benefit of industry and society. Research for practice is the central task of Fraunhofer institutes and affiliates.
Contact Press / Media
Dr. techn. Martin Riester
Head of Center for Sustainable Production and Logistics
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria
Mobile +43 676 888 61 628