About us

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH was founded at the end of 2008 as a foreign subsidiary of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In the business units "Factory Planning and Production Management", "Logistics and Supply Chain Management", and "Industrial Engineering and Digitalization" in Vienna, in the business unit "Visual Computing" in Graz, and in the two Fraunhofer Innovation Centers "Digital Transformation of Industry" in Wattens and "Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence KI4LIFE" in Klagenfurt, around 140 employees are currently working on application-oriented solutions for the benefit of industry and society. Research for practice is the central task of Fraunhofer institutes and affiliates.

Managing Director

Sebastian Schlund

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schlund has been Managing Director of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH since 1 December 2023. He is Full Professor and head of the research area Industrial Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology. Also, he is Vice President of the Austrian Scientific Society for Production Engineering (ÖWGP).

Center Management

Martin Riester

Contact Press / Media

Dr. techn. Martin Riester

Head of Center for Sustainable Production and Logistics

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Mobile +43 676 888 61 628

Eva Eggeling

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Eva Eggeling

Head of Center for Data Driven Design Head of Business Unit Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence

Fraunhofer Innovation Center for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence KI4LIFE
Lakeside B13a
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria

Phone +43 676 888 61 801

Business Unit Management

Lukas Lingitz

Contact Press / Media

Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Lingitz

Head of Business Unit Factory Planning and Production Management

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Mobile +43 676 888 616 15

Christoph Ecker

Contact Press / Media

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Ecker

Head of Business Unit Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Phone +43 676 88861667

Thomas Edtmayr

Contact Press / Media

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Edtmayr

Head of Business Unit Industrial Engineering and Digitalization

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Mobile +43 676 888 616 20

Christoph Schinko

Contact Press / Media

Dr. techn. Christoph Schinko

Head of Business Unit Visual Computing

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Inffeldgasse 16c
8010 Graz, Austria

Phone +43 676 888 61 805

Research Coordination

Sandra Stein

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Sandra Stein

Coordinator of Research Center for Sustainable Production and Logistics

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Mobile +43 676 888 616 27

Torsten Ullrich

Contact Press / Media

Dr. techn. Torsten Ullrich

Coordinator of Research Center for Data Driven Design

Business Unit Visual Computing
Inffeldgasse 16c
8010 Graz, Austria

Mobile +43 676 888 61 802

Fazel Ansari

Contact Press / Media

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fazel Ansari

Head of strategic research topics center NPL

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Vienna, Austria

Phone +43 676 88861614


Ulrike Gruber-Mikulcik

Contact Press / Media

Ulrike Gruber-Mikulcik


Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Wien, Austria

Phone +43 676 88861670

Manoela Bodiroza

Contact Press / Media

Mag. Manoela Bodiroza

Head of Corporate Services

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 7
1040 Wien, Austria

Phone +43 676 88861661

Supervisory Board

The supervisory board monitors and supports the management of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, relying on trustful cooperation. It performs auditing and reporting duties, appoints and dismisses members of the Management Board and represents the company to the Management Board.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mathias Rauch

Chief Representative for the EU

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V.


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thomas Bauernhansl

Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA

Dipl.-Phys. Stephanie Jung

Head of Department Fraunhofer Foreign Subsidiaries and Representations

Dr. Heimo Pascher

Technical management of
Austrotherm GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Unbescheiden

Head of the Fraunhofer Institute IGD Darmstadt


Advisory Board

In 2010, the sole shareholder, the Fraunhofer Society in Munich, set up an advisory board. Its role is, among other things, to advise the management of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH in the preparation of the work program and the implementation of the work, as well as to support the brokerage of research contracts and the acquisition of grants and donations.

Members of the Fraunhofer Austria Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. e. h. Wilhelm Bauer, geschäftsführender Institutsleiter Fraunhofer IAO
  • KR Ing. Johann Bock, Geschäftsführer BECOM Electronics GmbH
  • Mag. Sylvia Dellantonio, Geschäftsführerin willhaben.at
  • Mag. Florian Frauscher, MLS, Sektionschef, Sektion IV - Wirtschaftsstandort, Innovation und Internationalisierung, BMAW
  • Ing. Karl Christian Handl, MBA, Geschäftsführer HANDL TYROL GmbH
  • DI Dr. Kurt Hofstädter, Siemens AG Österreich (Beiratsvorsitzender)
  • Mag. Andrea Höglinger, Vizerektorin für Forschung, TU-Graz
  • Dipl.-Ing. Tanja Kienegger, MBA, Geschäftsführerin Siemens Mobility Austria
  • DI Hans Kostwein, Geschäftsführer Kostwein Maschinenbau GmbH
  • Markus Langes-Swarovski, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates Swarovski
  • Jürgen Mandl, MBA, Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
  • Dipl.-Ing. Jens Poggenburg, Executive Vice President Software Products, Emission and Services von AVL List GmbH
  • Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Rohringer, Country R&D Officer bei Infineon Austria 
  • Dr. Stefan Riegler, Leiter der Gruppe IV/A - Forschung und Innovation, BMAW
  • KR Veit Schmid-Schmidsfelden, Geschäftsführer Rupert Fertinger GmbH
  • DI Helmut Schwarzl, Geschäftsleitung Produktion Geberit
  • O. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Seidler, TU Wien
  • Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Stangl, COO der Engel Austria GmbH

Members of the KI4LIFE Steeringboard

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Friedrich, Dekan Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften an der Alpen Adria Universität
  • Mag. Robert Jeller, Referent Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
  • Dr. Gaby Schaunig, Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin Land Kärnten
  • Christian Scheider, Bürgermeister Stadt Klagenfurt
  • Mag. Dr. Christian Schwarz, Prokurist Kelag
  • Mag. Timo Springer, Präsident Industriellenvereinigung Kärnten

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, based in Germany is the world’s leading applied research organization. Prioritizing key future-relevant technologies and commercializing its findings in business and industry, it plays a major role in the innovation process. A trailblazer and trendsetter in innovative developments and research excellence, it is helping shape our society and our future. Founded in 1949, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft currently operates 76 institutes and research units throughout Germany. Over 30,000 employees, predominantly scientists and engineers, work with an annual research budget of €2.9 billion. Fraunhofer generates €2.5 billion of this from contract research.

The Vienna University of Technology is a cooperation partner of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH in Vienna. With more than 29,000 students, it is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the natural and engineering sciences.

The managing director of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH Prof. Dr. Wilfried Sihn is also a professor at the Institute for Management Sciences and head of the field of industrial engineering and system planning.

In addition to close spatial collaboration, the cooperation includes joint research and use of the infrastructure, project management and the practical addition to teaching.

The Graz University of Technology is a cooperation partner of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH in Graz. Founded in 1811, Graz University of Technology is today an important university in the international technical and scientific research and education network.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Dieter W. Fellner is - in addition to his work as managing director of Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH - director of the Institute for Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at Graz University of Technology.

In addition to close spatial collaboration, the cooperation includes joint research and use of the infrastructure, project management and the practical addition to teaching.

The University of Klagenfurt is a cooperation partner of the Fraunhofer Innovation Center "Digitization and Artificial Intelligence - KI4LIFE". The computer science department, founded in 1985, is particularly active in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Faculty of Technical Sciences comprises the departments of computer science, information technology, mathematics and statistics. Together with the inter-faculty Digital Age Research Center (D! ARC) and the Lakeside Labs, more than 12 research groups are active in the field of autonomous and networked systems, artificial intelligence and robotics. The high quality of the scientific work by international comparison is documented by very good ranking results.

Fraunhofer IPA – one of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s largest institutes – was founded in 1959 and employs nearly 1000 workers. The focus of our research and development work is on organizational and technological issues related to the manufacturing industry. We develop, test and implement methods, components and devices right up to entire machines and production lines. Fraunhofer IPA’s 15 specialist departments cover the entire field of manufacturing engineering. They are coordinated by six business units and work on an interdisciplinary basis with industrial enterprises from the following sectors: automotive, machinery & equipment, electronics & microsystems, energy, medical engineering & biotechnology, and the process industry.

Animation and visualization, e-learning and digital security technologies, virtual and augmented reality are among the areas that the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD has been working successfully for 30 years. The institute's focus is on the human potential to quickly grasp complex issues visually. With its numerous innovations, Fraunhofer IGD raises the interaction between humans and machines to a new level, with humans being the focus and should be supported and accompanied by the machine. Being able to use new technologies easily and intuitively is one of the core tasks that the individual departments carry out in their research and development projects. Fraunhofer IGD is a direct sister of the Visual Computing division. The institute currently employs 240 people at its four locations in Darmstadt, Rostock, Graz and Singapore. The 13 specialist departments deal with the research areas of computer graphics, computer vision, human-machine interaction, (interactive) simulation and modeling.

Professor Dr. techn. Dieter W. Fellner, who also holds the chair for Interactive Graphics Systems at the TU Darmstadt, has headed Fraunhofer IGD since 2006.


MTA Sztaki Logo

The SZTAKI is a research institute, governed by the Eötvös Loránd Research Network. SZTAKI is the acronym of the Hungarian name of the institute, while its full English name is "Institute for Computer Science and Control".

Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH and MTA Sztaki have been working together for many years, particularly in the field of "Information systems in production". Together we run the Virtual Institute for Production and Business Management to bundle research and consulting activities.